Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I involve to find a cord for a dell printer; is in that anywhere that sell simply the cords?

I own the wall plug in, but I requirement to connect it to my computer!

I involve to find a cord for a dell printer; is in that anywhere that sell simply the cords?

try ebay.com to tigerdirect.com
try ebay
You can also try Radio Shack..
tiger direct computer store or the source
Radio Shack, Best Buy, or the tiger sites -please try to stay away from eBay if possible -because of problems that could transpire, see ebay problems (those two words on Google!).
you have power cord, so you're referring to printer cable or usb, try your local dollar stores, afterwards try computer shop in your nouns, then try electronics stores, check your phone book for local businesses,







check the name of printer, poke about name online, try and find manual and guide, and drivers,

Any computer accessory store but waych out for the price.

Zellers surrounded by Canada and Target in the U.S. charge much smaller amount for a printer cable and IF you can connect your PC and printer within merely 6 feet, you will pay envelope much less than the usual 10 foot cord.

(Just test your distance first before you dance to the store) and keep your acceptance in shield the two connections don't work. But if it says PRINTER CORD you are probable safe.

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